
It’s not often you come across
Someone who mirrors you so much –
Whose thoughts and emotions
Resonate with you as much.


And yet, they let it go,
You let it go –
Because it doesn’t come easy.
Because distance you know.


And in doing so we ignore –
Humans have for long known
To cover the difference, both in
Space and time.

Continue reading

Have Some Pride

It’s certainly not love
Leave no room for doubt.
Doesn’t look like budding friendship either
So it shall be, day in and day out.

Though you might think so
Neither is it getting to know.
And if you’re unable to see
Retrospect, shall we? Continue reading

Nothing Lasts Forever

IMAG2913 - CopyThinking of her life without him,
gave her shiver.
But such is life, it goes on, and
nothing lasts forever.


You walk down the cobblestone path,
and say to her, ‘I am living a dream’.

Here, I think, I was living in one.

Fluttering Away Slowly

The harbinger, dark, handsome and short
Sled down and jumped on the lowered lifeboat.

He looked at the peafowl he had caught
who he would never leave, even in his thought.

He assured it, he would come back soon
with a catch of Barbue, when shines the moon.

It hopped and danced, waiting on the deck
Grapevined in merry, tapped to heck. Continue reading

Looking for the Lights

Coldplay is like hot soup when you are cold! Continue reading